Saturday, April 13, 2013

Is that blue sky we see?

This winter has been quite long for everyone, but today we can see blue sky out at the shop.  We are taking this as a sign that Spring is on the way and that the farmers will be able to get back into their fields soon.  There is still time to get your machinery in to shape so you won't be dealing with breakdowns in the fields.  Just give us a call at Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair, LLC (920)242-2693 and Charlie can help you with all your equipment and hydraulic hose needs!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snow, snow, go away!

I know almost everyone is sick of the amounts of snow we keep getting.  With that being said just remember that Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair, LLC has a few used snow-blowers still available. This last snow was brutal to have to shovel and a snow blower would make life a lot easier.  Give Charlie a call at 920-242-2414 and he can give you all the details.
The snow will also soon be a thing of the past and field work will be on us in no time.  Get your equipment tuned and tweaked and ready to go.  We can have you ready to be working fields and making money, just give us a call and set up your appointment.  In the mean time, stay safe out there and know that winter will not last forever.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Sign is Done!
As I stated in my previous post many new and exciting things are happening at Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair, LLC.  Our sign is done and Charlie built a frame for it so it should be out by the end of the week, if the weather cooperates.  Come by the shop to see it in person, and while you are there let Charlie give you a free estimate on the work you need done.  You can find us at 1910 Country View Road, Manitowoc, Wi.  You can also give us a call at (920)242-2693.  We would love to see you or hear from you!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Exciting things are happening here!

Exciting things are happening at Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair LLC.  We have ordered our sign that will be out near the road, so that all of you know exactly where we are located, new business cards are being printed (with a better tractor, according to Charlie), and business is starting to pick up.  For those of you that know us personally, you know what a leap of faith this business is for us.  With the herd being sold and Charlie being out of a job, we made a leap of faith that will allow Charlie to pursue his passion. There has been more than one sleepless night in the Wagner household, while we were questioning if this it the right choice to make.  We believe it is, and it is our goal to show you all what we can do for you.   For those of you that don't know us yet, we can't wait to meet you and show you all that Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair LLC can do for you.  So stop by the shop (1910 Country View Road) or give us a call (920) 242-2693 and we can give you a free estimate for any work you need done.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Helping Your Business Succeed Is Our Passion at Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair LLC in Manitowoc, WI

If you're in Manitowoc County and you're looking for high quality tractor and equipment repair, call Charlie Wagner at Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair LLC 920-242-2693. We offer personal service and attention to detail.

Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair LLC offers FREE ESTIMATES as well as some added conveniences such as on-farm service and pick up and delivery options.

We are waiting to hear from you. Feel free to visit our website for more details, or find us on Facebook:

SERVICES Offered by: Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair LLC

At Wagner Tractor and Equipment Repair LLC, we take care to provide our customers high quality services personalized for their unique needs.

We have a variety of services including:



If you have any question concerning deliveries, pick-ups, or prices, please don't hesitate to contact us: 920-242-2693